A workshop on medical practices for cancer follow-up, identification, and treatment was held by the faculty of medicine at Koya University in association with TAKVIN Organization for Development and Humanitarian Aid. The workshop was titled "Cancer Follow Up."

On Monday, April 10, 2023, a workshop titled "Cancer Follow Up " was held in cooperation with TAKVIN for Development and Humanitarian Aid in the Koya University Presidency Hall in the presence of Vice president for Student Affairs Asst. Prof. Dr. Qaraman Nadir, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine  Dr. Dawan Hawezi, and an impressive number of teachers and students from the Faculty of Medicine.

In remembrance of the Kurdish martyrs and to honor their souls, the session started with a minute of silence and standing.

Dr. Dawan Hawezi, dean of the school of medicine, gave the address at the Koya University Faculty of General Medicine.

In his speech, Dr. Dawan Hawezi mentioned the work being done by the Faculty of Medicine at Koya University to influence the treatment and diagnosis of cancer. He said:

 "Our faculty conducts workshops and seminars every year as a tradition. These scientific talks focus on early disease detection, which facilitates therapy."

Takvin is an organization for development and humanitarian support that works on educating conscious and healthy individuals for society and this organization It works in three fields: medicine, education, and social welfare,

Dr. Irfan Fatih said after acknowledging Koya University for giving his organization such a chance.

In the next paragraph, the President of Qareman Sheikh Bzeni Organization, Asst. Prof. Dr. Qareman Sheikh Bzeni, delivered a speech.

A panel discussion on several subjects pertaining to cancer screening, detection, and treatment was part of the program. The panel was chaired by Salah Hassan and Dr. Shang Shawkat, and the following topics were covered:

-In his talk titled "Role of Surgeon in Cancer Management," Dr. Dawan Hawezi, from Koya University discussed how surgeons may manage and control cancer as a disease with various phases.

-A talk entitled "Palliative Care for Cancer" has been delivered by family physician Dr. Govand Saadaddin at Koya University.

-Oncologist Dr. Shayan Kaka Salih gave a lecture titled "Contributing Factors of Cancer."

-The presentation was given by Dr. Sozan Hoshyar Qadir, a specialist surgeon and the director of the breast cancer center.

Following the panel, the venue became accessible for questions and conversations between the attendees and the discussion moderators.






وۆرکشۆپی " Cancer Follow Up ، بەدواداچوون بۆ شێرپەنجە" لە زانکۆی کۆیە بەڕێوەچوو

وۆرکشۆپی " Cancer Follow Up ، بەدواداچوون بۆ شێرپەنجە" لە زانکۆی کۆیە بەڕێوەچوو

وۆرکشۆپی " Cancer Follow Up ، بەدواداچوون بۆ شێرپەنجە" لە زانکۆی کۆیە بەڕێوەچوو

وۆرکشۆپی " Cancer Follow Up ، بەدواداچوون بۆ شێرپەنجە" لە زانکۆی کۆیە بەڕێوەچوو

وۆرکشۆپی " Cancer Follow Up ، بەدواداچوون بۆ شێرپەنجە" لە زانکۆی کۆیە بەڕێوەچوو

وۆرکشۆپی " Cancer Follow Up ، بەدواداچوون بۆ شێرپەنجە" لە زانکۆی کۆیە بەڕێوەچوو

وۆرکشۆپی " Cancer Follow Up ، بەدواداچوون بۆ شێرپەنجە" لە زانکۆی کۆیە بەڕێوەچوو

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وۆرکشۆپی " Cancer Follow Up ، بەدواداچوون بۆ شێرپەنجە" لە زانکۆی کۆیە بەڕێوەچوو